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Is TransUnion free?

TransUnion (formerly called Callcredit) is one of the three major credit reference agencies in the UK, alongside Experian and Equifax.

Unlike these other credit reference agencies, TransUnion does not give you direct access to your full credit report or score through its own website – for free or for a fee. Instead, the only way to check your credit report is to get it from its partner, Credit Karma.

There is one thing you can get directly from TransUnion, however: your statutory credit report.

Is TransUnion's statutory report free?

Yes, getting your TransUnion statutory report is free. It's the same for Experian and Equifax. Your statutory report is a legal right, and while it used to cost £2 to get a copy, now you can get it without paying any fees. Bear in mind, though, that it's not as thorough as your full credit report and also doesn't show you your credit score.

To get your TransUnion statutory report for free, go to TransUnion's Statutory Report page and apply there. You can request to view it online or receive it by post. All you need to do is verify your identity, which mainly means confirming your address history, name, and a few other details.

Is checking TransUnion through Credit Karma free?

Yes, checking your TransUnion report and score through Credit Karma is completely free. In fact, CreditKarma's entire business model is offering its members their TransUnion information for free. In exchange, it makes money by earning a small commission every time you purchase a financial product (like a credit card deal) through its website or mobile app.

To get your TransUnion credit score and report through Credit Karma, simply go to the Credit Karma website or mobile app and create an account. You'll need to verify your identity and email as well.

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